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Zodiac Sun/Moon/Rising Signs

Sun Sign

Your sun sign is the zodiac sign most people refer to when they ask about your astrological identity. Also known as your zodiac sign, star sign, or birth sign, this is the sign the sun was in at the moment of your birth. It represents your core essence and outward personality.

Moon Sign

Your moon sign reveals the zodiac sign that the moon occupied at your moment of birth. It embodies the soul of your identityโ€”the subconscious part that you may keep hidden from others. Your moon sign plays a significant role in shaping your emotional landscape and inner self, influencing how you feel and react.

Rising Sign

The rising sign, also known as the ascendant, is the zodiac sign that was rising on the eastern horizon when you were born. Think of your rising sign as the mask you wear in public; it often provides insight into your personal style, appearance, and how you interact with others. Your rising sign is key to understanding your social persona and the way you relate to the world.

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